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Mrs. Miller - World Language

Snow Day Plans

Please review the below based on your Grade level.  You can bring your completed work to the first Spanish class after the Snow Day, or just email me the a picture of your work.  Gracias!


  1. Go to: and practice singing the song.
  2. Go to: and practice singing the song.  After watching the video, draw  a picture using the vocabulary that you saw in the video.  Example:  Yellow Sun / Sol Amarillo.

First and Second Grade:

  1. Go to: After watching the video, draw a picture of each time of the day.  Example:  Buenos dias, Buenas tardes, Buenas Noches.
  2. Go to:  Sing the song and practice saying the days of the week.  On a picece of paper, practice writing the days of the week twice each.  Dont forget to put the accent marks (tílde) where needed.

Third, Fourth, Fifth Grade:

  1. Go to:  After watching the video, draw four pictures to represent a different feeling/emotion.  Write a description next to your drawing in Spanish.  Example:  Estoy Contento (I'm happy); Estoy nervioso (I'm nervous).
  2. Go to:  Watch the video and practice the numbers 1-50.



Students will learn some greetings in Spanish.
Primary colors.
Colors of the fall: Anaranjado or Naranja (Orange); Amarillo (Yellow); Rojo(Red); Cafe or Marron (Brown).
Month November (noviembre)
Counting numbers 1-10
Polite words- Gracias,Por favor
Introduce themselves: Me llamo...... My name is.......
Some body parts: Cabeza, hombros, piernas, pies
Fairwell: Adios, Hasta Pronto


Grades 1 & 2

Students will learn some greetings in Spanish: 

Hola, Buenos Dias, Buenas Tardes, Buenas noches, Como estas?, Como te llamas?, Me llamo....

 ( Hello, Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Night, How are you?, What is your name? My name is....

Reinforced the colors.

Numbers 1 - 20

Counting 20 - 30 

Learning some commands (Escuchen- listen; Silencio; Presten atencion - Pay attention, levantense, sientense)

Some body parts ( Cabeza, hombros, piernas, pies, cara, ojos, boca, nariz ) 

Polite words: Gracias - Thank you; Please - Por favor

Farewell: Adios, Hasta pronto